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CoE Projects - No.31

Title: Network of universities and institutes for raising awareness on dual‐use concerns of chemical materials

Target area: All Regions

Total estimated cost: 800,000 euro

Project Duration: 24 months

Starting date: 21/12/2012

Domain: Chemical

Project Implementer: Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy


  1. Develop a sustainable network of universities and research institutes to reinforce a culture of chemical safety and security.

  2. Raise awareness of dual-use concerns of chemical materials for academics, scientists, researchers, technicians and students.

  3. Foster the exchange of information, dissemination of knowledge, transfer of best practice and design of joint initiatives, both internally and externally among network participants and national agencies.

  4. Advocate for the incremental incorporation of training materials and agreed common standards on chemical safety and security, and dual-use concerns as a component of the curricula (universities) or fields of research (institutes) of the network participants.

Main Activities:

  • Identify and engage relevant national institutions and experts to establish a network on chemical safety and security focusing on dual-use concerns of chemical materials.

  • Organize preliminary meetings to collect information, identify participants’ needs, define the areas for interaction and develop an awareness-raising strategy according to the different target audiences (academics, scientists, researchers, technicians and students).

  • Develop training/learning materials and on-line resources to promote their use during workshops and lectures.

  • Organize workshops involving academics, scientists, researchers, technicians and representatives of national agencies in order to exchange information, disseminate knowledge, transfer best practice and develop common standards on chemical safety and security to be included in the curricula of universities and the fields of research of institutes.

  • Facilitate, support and organise university lectures for students incorporating the developed learning materials and on-line resources.

  • Implement joint initiatives between the network partners and national agencies- for example, supporting the design of national procedures for the notification of potentially dangerous dual-use-related activities

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Designed & Developed by Mohamad Chreif