The CBRN National Team is one of
the key elements for the successful development and
implementation of a comprehensive and integrated
national CBRN policy. The CBRN National Team acts as a
coordination and information-sharing mechanism between
the different national institutions (e.g. ministries,
agencies, research centres, universities etc.) involved
at various levels in CBRN risk mitigation. Furthermore,
the NT plays a crucial role in coordinating and
cooperating with the CBRN CoE Initiative and other CBRN
risk mitigation efforts at the regional and
international level. The main mission of this team
is to:
Identify and assess needs in the CBRN field at the
national level;
Analyze and set priorities among the identified
Participate in the drafting of a CBRN National
Action Plan;
Disseminate and collect relevant information among
national stakeholders;
Assess and review the effectiveness of national
response plans, guidelines and procedures;
Draft tailored project proposals to be submitted to
the CoE Regional Secretariat;
Identify national CBRN experts and national agencies
or academia that can participate in the
implementation of the the actions to mitigate CBRN
Coordinate cooperation in regional/international
Assess the adequateness of the national legal
framework in the CBRN field and propose potential
amendments to relevant laws and regulations;
Facilitate the implementation of inter-agency
projects, in particular those within the framework
of the CoE Initiative.